- Australian termites are the most ingenious architects in the world. They can build mounds up to 6 meters high and 30 meters wide. Their works, compared to the Empire State Building in New York, are 25 times taller. Inside, they have an air-conditioning system, special larval chambers, corridors for transport, gardens where they grow mushrooms for food and even emergency exits in case of attack.
- Ants never sleep. They have no lungs. Worker ants can live for 7 years, and the queen of the anthill can live up to 15 years. For every human on the planet there are one million ants and 200 million insects.
- Male mosquitoes don't sting, it's only the females that keep us busy.
- Even a small amount of alcohol put on a scorpion will make it go mad and sting itself to death.
- Bees existed on Earth 65 million years ago. They have 5 eyes - 3 are small and are on the top of their heads, and two larger ones are in the front. The bee can distinguish the colors green, blue and purple, but red appears to it as black. It has two stomachs - one for food and one for honey. To make a spoonful of honey, a bee needs to visit 4,000 flowers.
- A beetle with its head cut off can survive a week before it dies... from starvation.
- Rhino horn is made of compacted hair and keratin, not bone as you might think. Rhino horn powder is considered in Asian medicine to be one of the most effective means of combating fever.
- The bat is the only mammal that can fly. Their leg bones are so thin that they cannot support themselves and cannot walk. When leaving a cave, bats always turn left.
- Tarantulas (a large, hairy spider) can survive for more than two years without eating.
- Fossilized spiders have been found in carbonate layers about 300 million years old. The male spider's sex organ is at the end of one of its legs.
- Ephemerids live for more than a year as larvae, but as adults for only a few hours.
- The lifespan of a fly is 2-3 weeks.
- Each year, the insects eat a third of all crops worldwide.
- The snake, even with its eyes closed, can see through its eyelids.
- Rats multiply so fast that in just 18 months, a pair can produce more than a million offspring. This explains why nature has also made them the favorite food of many carnivorous birds and animals.
- Alligators and sharks can live up to 100 years. Great white sharks can go up to three months without eating.
- Killer whales kill sharks by slamming them from the bottom up into their stomachs and causing them to explode. In fact, they are not whales, but a species of dolphin.
- When a dolphin is sick or injured, it makes sounds of distress, which immediately brings the other dolphins in the area together and they push it to the surface of the water so it can breathe. A dolphin's hearing is so acute that it can pick up a sound in the water from 25 km away.
- Sharks are the only animals that never get sick. They are immune to all types of disease, including cancer. Sharks existed on earth before dinosaurs.
- An elephant weighs less than the tongue of a blue whale, considered the largest animal that has ever lived on earth. This whale's heart is the size of a car.
- Shrimp only swim backwards. Their heart is located in the head.
- A lobster can live for 50 years and it takes 7 years to reach a weight of ½ kg.
- Oysters can change sex depending on the mating opportunities that arise. In fact, there are several species of fish that change sex during their lifetime. Others, especially deep-sea oysters, can have both male and female organs.
- Oceans hold 99% of the space inhabited by the planet's living things.
- The snail mates only once in its life and can sleep for 3 years. If an eye is cut out, a new one will grow.
- Birds do not sleep in their nests. Occasionally, they may nap there, but they usually sleep in other places. As another curiosity, birds don't urinate.
- The pintail, which lives in Australia, is the fastest flying bird in the world. It can reach (officially confirmed) speeds of 111.6 km per hour.
- The polar bear, which we see as white and fluffy, has black skin. It cannot be detected by infrared cameras because its fur is transparent.
- Squirrels climb a tree faster than they can run on flat ground.
- Pigs live an average of 15 years. Physically, it's impossible for them to look at the sky.
- A hen can lay an average of 250 eggs a year.
- In its lifetime, a cow gives about 200,000 glasses of milk.
- The goat's eyes have rectangular pupils.
- The camels have three eyelids, which protect their eyes from sandstorms.
- The giraffe has the same number of vertebrae in its neck as humans.
- An elephant can detect the presence of water from 5 kilometers away.
- The owl can catch a mouse in total darkness, guided only by its victim's faint squeak.
- Tigers not only have striped fur, but also skin.
- A lion's roar can be heard five miles away. When it roars, it either warns intruders or wants to round up pack members.
- Mammals' blood is red, insects' is yellow and lobsters' is blue.
- We humans share 98.4% of our DNA with chimpanzees.
- Of all the animal species that have ever inhabited the Earth, only 10% still exist today.
Source: https://frumoasaverde.blogspot.com/
Animals Are Beautiful People
"Animals Are Beautiful People" is a documentary film about the behavior of animals in Africa, with a funny commentary. It was directed by South African Jamie Uys and broadcast in 1974. A year later, it won the Golden Globe Award for best documentary film of the year. This exceptional film captures never-before-seen moments in the daily lives of the animals that inhabit the Okawango Delta, the Namib Desert and the Kalahari Desert. The documentary can be watched as a true art film, with action and suspense, performed in a remarkable way by all the 'actors' involved - animals and natives. The soundtrack has been provided by such celebrities as Brahms, Bach, Tchaikovsky, Smetana, Grieg and Carl Maria von Weber. Enjoy the show!
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