The Amazing Stories After the Sinking of the Titanic + eBook + Documentary

Even from the earliest days, the sinking of the liner Titanic was steeped in myths and legends. In addition to the traditional ones, fantastic versions have emerged. Here are some of them:

In 1897, 15 years before the Titanic's demise, the book by the then unknown journalist Morgan Robertson came out. His novel predicted the sinking of a giant ocean liner named "Titan". The journalist's vivid imagination turned out to be a nightmarish prophesy that matched the actual facts, starting with the name and equipment of the ship and ending with the place, time and cause of the catastrophe. After the tragedy, Robertson was considered a devil, a black genius, a harbinger of doom. His novel was cursed, and the author was denied the right to republish the book. But on the day the mighty Titanic began its voyage, no one could even think of a doomsday novel. All those who were to travel on the miracle ship for the first time considered themselves chosen, and relatives and photographers looked on enviously from the shore. Only one sailor on the Titanic, ironically, carried a copy of Morgan Robertson's novel. As he read on, the sailor became more and more panicky. He told his colleagues, but they were already smiling broadly. He was so frightened that when the ship was in Southampton harbour, he abandoned the race, and thus saved his life. Also, at the last minute, 55 more people refused to travel. Among that list was billionaire John Morgan, the owner of the Titanic, who suddenly called in sick. A big merchant, Wood, whose wife received an anonymous warning: "If you don't want to lose your husband, do everything you can to change his mind about going. The rest of those who declined justified their decision by various strange but powerful hunches.

The Wreck of the Titan - Morgan Robertson

On 15 April 1972 (60 years after the tragedy) the radio operator of the American linkor "Theodor Roosevelt" receives an SOS signal. Through the noise in the earphones came a frozen voice, calling for help for the sinking Titanic. Radisher Lloyd Dethmer thought he had gone mad. But, just in case, he sent the message ashore. Who knows? Maybe someone really is in trouble. The reply was very brief and calm: On S.O.S. signal do not respond, proceed on course. It was only in port that it was explained to the captain and the entire crew that the long-sinking Titanic had no way of sending an SOS signal. Either the radio operator thought so, or someone had played a good joke. But Dethmer found it odd that the explanation was given by the special services and not the maritime management. So he started investigating. First out of sheer curiosity. He got so deep into it that he ended up in hospital with mental problems. But before that, he managed to unearth many interesting things. Dethmer searched the archives for reports from his fellow radiographers about the same thing he'd noticed. The years in which SOS signals were detected were 1924, 1930, 1936, 1942. He made a table and noticed that radio ghosts appeared every 6 years. In 1978, Lloyd purposely waited for the signal and... assured everyone he got it. What happened in 1984 and 1990 is unknown. There's no information anywhere. But in 1996, the Canadian Sun newspaper reported another SOS signal, received by the Canadian ship "Quebec".

Some experts assume that a ghost signal has formed in the time field and that it has been received by ships for so long. And if all this is not lies and forgeries, we should prepare for the SOS of 2014. Another group of scientists are convinced that the SOS has "cut" time in half. That is, the signal could be received in 1906 and 1900. But unfortunately, back then, a radio wasn't all that cheap and common. Popov invented it in 1895. However, the most ardent researchers claim that even then signals were received, only not by radio equipment, but by people. Specifically, by their brains. That would explain Morgan Robertson's prophecy and the forebodings of the 55 people who refused the trip. It sounds like a fairy tale, but how else would one explain the signal received by the ships "Carpathia" and "Olympic" at 23:17? That is, 23 minutes earlier than the collision with the deadly iceberg at 23:40?

If until now all discoveries have been ghostly, "unnoticeable" signals, what Carl-Yorgen Huss, the captain of the Norwegian fishing boat, found was quite material. On 24 September 1990, in the North Atlantic, 340 km southwest of Iceland, Norwegian fishermen found a 29-year-old girl shivering on an iceberg. Her name was Winnie Cowts. Captain Huss notified officials of the girl found. She said she had been saved by a miracle from the sinking of the Titanic and was very worried about the fate of the other passengers. For this woman, time stood still on the tragic day of 15 April 1912, which she experienced emotionally so strongly that it was as if 79 years had not even passed! The fishermen could not accept this. Their notions of time were all the more disturbed because the Norwegian authorities were convinced that she was completely sane. Only her clothes betrayed her. This is what "fashionable" women wore at the turn of the century. Winnie was completely stunned and betrayed no trace of preformation. How was this possible? In search of the answer, the experts contacted British maritime officials. London confirmed that Miss Winnie Cowts of Southampton was indeed on the list of travelers and was on the ship. The strange thing is that she didn't look 108 at all, but 29! "It's supernatural," said the 27 doctors and other specialists who examined her. "It appears that Winnie Cowts was in some kind of time preservation zone. She hasn't aged at all."

Almost a year later, on 9 August 1991, the Norwegian research vessel Larsson Nayper, 365 km south-west of Iceland, apparently caught Captain E. John Smith himself! Unharmed, but shaken by what happened. He was dressed in an excellent White Star uniform. The rescuers did exactly what they did with Winnie. They handed John Smith over to the authorities in Oslo, who subjected him to a series of mental examinations and tests. He passed with flying colors. He was perfectly sane. When the specialists compared the fingerprints in the British Navy records with those of the "returnee", they were in for a big surprise. They matched in every detail! Even though the two survivors are doing great, the authorities (it's not known which one) totally rule out doing an interview until today! All this is done under the pretext of readjustment to society, the two still believing they are in 1912.

Three years later, in 1994, almost in the same area (about 300 kilometers south-west of Iceland) a 10-month-old girl was found, almost frozen but healthy. Where did this baby, who obviously can't swim that far from shore, come from? Why is it still alive? The baby was floating on the water thanks to a lifebuoy belonging to... the Titanic. What happened is hard to believe, but researchers in this case have found mention of this baby in the archives.

Most sailors who pass by the Titanic's loss claim to see a large ship sinking all the time. Some say it's the Titanic's ghost, others, more enlightened, say that when it sank, the trans-oceanic giant may have hit a time vortex. Either way, the Pentagon has already classified this subject, like many others, Top Secret.
The Indestructible Titanic (6 parts)



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